What Are The Four Different Categories of Blockchain Technology?

In the past decade, Blockchain technology has made significant strides. Bitcoin introduced the first type of blockchain, a public one, marking the inception of first-generation blockchain technology.

Today, we find ourselves amidst a diverse range of blockchain types, each designed to address specific challenges. Businesses are increasingly leveraging these varied blockchain technologies to optimize their advantages. This article aims to elucidate the types of blockchains and associated details.

Explore online training resources for Blockchain technology to gain a comprehensive understanding, guided by industry experts.

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What is Blockchain?

At its core, Blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger that stores various types of data, including cryptocurrency transactions, NFT ownership, and DeFi smart contracts. Unlike traditional databases, blockchains organize information in interconnected blocks using cryptography.

While conventional databases can store this data, what makes blockchain unique is its complete decentralization. Picture a spreadsheet or financial database, but instead of being controlled by a single entity, a blockchain database exists in multiple identical copies across a network of dispersed machines. These machines, collectively called nodes, come in various types within the blockchain.

Key Blockchain Features Include:

1. Speedy Transactions: Direct transmission of transactions from source to recipient without intermediaries.

2. Consistent Operation: Blockchain networks operate 24/7 worldwide.

3. Cost-Effectiveness: Lack of centralized middlemen makes blockchain networks more economical.

4. Security: The distributed network of nodes collectively defends against attacks and outages.

5. Tamper-Proof: Once data is time-stamped on the ledger, it becomes transparent and unchangeable, safeguarding against fraud. In a public blockchain, transactions are visible to anyone with permission.

Type of BlockChain.

There are four different kinds of blockchain forms.

  1. Public Blockchains
  2. Private (or Managed) Blockchains
  3. Consortium Blockchains
  4. Hybrid blockchains

1. Public Blockchains

Public blockchains are open to everyone, completely decentralized, and don't require permission to join. In these blockchains, all participants, called nodes, have equal rights to access, create, and validate data blocks.

Public blockchains are mainly used for trading and mining cryptocurrency. Well-known examples include Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. On these platforms, nodes, like miners, earn cryptocurrency by creating blocks for requested transactions. It's like being a modern-day bank teller they process transactions, and in return, get a small fee in the form of cryptocurrency.

2. Private (or Managed) Blockchains

Private blockchains, also known as managed blockchains, are controlled by a single organization and require permission to join. In these blockchains, the central authority decides who can be a node and doesn't necessarily give each node equal rights.

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These blockchains are only partially decentralized since access is restricted. Examples include Ripple, a business-to-business virtual currency exchange network, and Hyperledger, a project with various open-source blockchain applications.

Both private and public blockchains have downsides. Public blockchains often take longer to validate new data, while private ones are more susceptible to fraud. To tackle these issues, consortium and hybrid blockchains were developed.

3. Consortium Blockchains

Consortium blockchains are like team-controlled blockchains, governed by a group of organizations instead of just one, like in private blockchains. They offer more decentralization, which boosts security. However, forming consortia can be tricky since it requires collaboration among various organizations, bringing logistical challenges and potential antitrust risks (we'll explore this in a future article).

Also, some members of supply chains may lack the necessary tech or infrastructure for blockchain tools. Even if they have it, they might find the upfront costs too high to digitize their data and connect with other supply chain members.

For the financial industry and beyond, R3, an enterprise software firm, has come up with popular consortium blockchain solutions. In the supply chain realm, CargoSmart created the Global Shipping Business Network Consortium, a nonprofit aiming to digitalize the shipping industry and foster more collaborative work among maritime industry operators.

4. Hybrid blockchains

Hybrid blockchains are managed by one organization, but there's a bit of public blockchain oversight, especially for specific transaction validations. IBM Food Trust is an example of a hybrid blockchain designed to enhance efficiency in the entire food supply chain. We'll delve into IBM Food Trust in more detail in a future article in this series.


In conclusion, the past decade has seen significant advancements in blockchain technology, giving rise to four main types: public, private, consortium, and hybrid blockchains. These diverse blockchain forms cater to different needs, with public blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum being open to all, while private blockchains are under the control of a single organization. Consortium blockchains involve collaboration among multiple entities, enhancing decentralization, and hybrid blockchains combine organizational control with some public oversight for specific transactions.

Businesses are increasingly leveraging these varied blockchain technologies to optimize benefits. Public blockchains are widely used for cryptocurrency transactions, while private and consortium blockchains find applications in various industries, addressing specific needs like supply chain management. The evolving landscape of blockchain technology presents opportunities and challenges, emphasizing the importance of understanding the nuances of each type. As organizations continue to adopt and adapt blockchain solutions, further advancements and innovations in this field are anticipated. Explore online training resources to gain a comprehensive understanding of blockchain concepts, guided by industry experts.
